Age Concern Eastbourne offers a free, impartial general Information and Advice service as well as help with welfare benefits.

Age Concern Eastbourne provides a specialist welfare benefits service for older people either at the Venton Centre, or in the home, for the housebound. Our highly trained Welfare Rights officer can help clients complete lengthy welfare benefit forms such as Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance, Personal Independence Payments and more.
We can also advise on potential entitlement to other benefits and allowances such as Pension Credit and can refer clients on to other agencies for further assistance.
01323 638474
Age Concern Eastbourne also offers a free, impartial, general Information and Advice service for older people in Eastbourne and surrounding areas.
Our trained advisers can assist with a range of queries and concerns, including consumer issues, housing and care options, health matters, and local concerns. Appointments for initial legal and financial advice are also available with Stephen Rimmer Solicitors, So Legal and Complete Financial Planning.
01323 638474
All legal & Financial appointments are provided by these local businesses.
Age Concern Eastbourne
The William & Patricia Venton Centre, Junction Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3QY
Charity Number: 1101578 Company Number: 04952839